Traffic Speed Analyser

07 Nov 2005 questionsarchive

Question put forward to the Hon. P. HOLLOWAY regarding traffic speed analyser use.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK:

1. Can the Minister for Police advise the dates and time when a traffic speed analyser device was located at:

(a) Murray Road, Port Noarlunga, between 1 January and 30 April 2005;

(b) Swanport Road, Murray Bridge, during the month of May 2005; and

(c) Barton Terrace West, North Adelaide, between 1 January 2003 and 30 May 2005?

2. What was the total value of expiation fees issued for each of the above locations?

3. What were the specific road safety risks at each location which contributed to the decision to deploy the devices at those locations?

The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: The Minister for Police has advised the following:

Note: Data included in this document in relation to “traffic speed analyser devices” includes mobile radars, laser and speed cameras unless otherwise specified.

1. (a) Traffic Speed Analyser deployment on Murray Road, Port Noarlunga, between 1 January 2003 and 30 April 2005. Speed camera utilised only.

Date                         Time Commenced                    Time Completed

30/01/2003              2100                                        2210

3/04/2003                1730                                        2310

19/04/2003              1650                                        2020

21/04/2003              1505                                        1805

25/04/2003              2135                                        2305

8/05/2003                0655                                        1055

6/06/2003                2100                                        2210

19/06/2003              0800                                        1140

14/08/2003              1015                                        1245

3/10/2003                2050                                        2305

25/11/2003              1100                                        1300

6/12/2003                1055                                        1355

11/12/2003              2035                                        2200

16/01/2004              1110                                        1315

11/02/2004              0710                                        1300

20/04/2004              1105                                        1250

27/05/2004              1815                                        2100

29/07/2004              2000                                        2200

30/09/2004              1935                                        2055

30/11/2004              0910                                        1220

3/12/2004                1520                                        1820

7/12/2004                1045                                        1245

9/12/2004                0825                                        1125

11/01/2005              0700                                        0927

29/04/2005              1840                                        2045

(b) Traffic Speed Analyser deployment on Swanport Road, Murray Bridge, between 1 May 2005 and 31 May 2005. Laser device utilised only

Date Time                Commenced                             Time Completed

7/05/2005                2200                                        2230

8/05/2005                0500                                        0600

8/05/2005                1015                                        1045

(c) Traffic Speed Analyser deployment on Barton Terrace West, North Adelaide, between 1 January 2003 and 31 May 2005. Camera utilised only.

Date                         Time Commenced                    Time Completed

2/11/2003                1115                                        1245

6/01/2004                1625                                        2055

7/01/2004                0900                                        1130

6/03/2004                1525                                        1925

7/03/2004                0810                                        1340

16/03/2004              1845                                        2330

21/03/2004              0805                                        1120

11/04/2004              0705                                        1115

26/04/2004              1530                                        1900

2/05/2004                0705                                        1005

26/05/2004              0825                                        0840

13/06/2004              0705                                        1055

22/06/2004              1540                                        1950

23/06/2004              0910                                        1210

8/07/2004                1620                                        1830

11/07/2004              1245                                        1515

13/07/2004              1632                                        2102

16/07/2004              0716                                        1116

27/07/2004              1547                                        1947

3/08/2004                1430                                        1900

7/08/2004                0804                                        1104

13/08/2004              1627                                        1957

15/08/2004              0835                                        1215

31/08/2004              1439                                        1809

5/09/2004                0811                                        1111

7/09/2004                1422                                        1752

15/09/2004              1119                                        1409

18/09/2004              0746                                        1101

19/09/2004              1445                                        2115

5/10/2004                0740                                        1245

10/10/2004              1240                                        1320

17/10/2004              0730                                        1100

22/10/2004              0900                                        1230

16/11/2004              1635                                        2005

1/12/2004                0915                                        1245

4/12/2004                1142                                        1420

7/12/2004                1545                                        1955

18/12/2004              0733                                        1033

19/12/2004              0750                                        1400

28/12/2004              1530                                        1930

7/01/2005                1537                                        1807

11/01/2005              1945                                        2215

18/01/2005              1520                                        1930

19/01/2005              0910                                        1230

20/01/2005              1426                                        1843

30/01/2005              1145                                        1350

8/02/2005                1420                                        1915

15/02/2005              1220                                        1350

3/04/2005                1045                                        1325

4/04/2005                0735                                        1055

30/04/2005              1112                                        1422

4/05/2005                1540                                        1840

24/05/2005              1545                                        1845

2. Total value of expiation fees issued for each location:

DATE INTERVAL                                  LOCATION                                             EXPIATION FEES

1 January 2003—30 April 2005              Murray Road, Port Noarlunga                  $45,891

May 2005                                            Swanport Road, Murray Bridge                $507

1 January 2003—31 May 2005               Barton Terrace West, North Adelaide       $319,424

 TOTAL        $365,822

The expiation fees include the levy to the Victims of Crime Fund.

3. Speed cameras are deployed as part of the strategy to reduce excessive speed and to establish a firm base for long-term change in driver attitude to speeding. Achieving these aims will lead to a reduction in the general level of speed, with a corresponding reduction in the number and severity of road crashes. The deployment of speed cameras is based on an intelligence assessment of locations, which have a road safety risk' or locations, which contribute to a road safety risk' at another location.

In assessing the road safety risk' for a location the following factors are considered:

whether the location has a crash history;

whether the location contributes to crashes in other locations;

whether the location has been identified by SAPOL Road Safety Audits as having a road safety risk;

where intelligence reports provide information of dangerous driving practices associated with speeding, especially speed dangerous;

whether the physical conditions of a location creates a road safety risk.

Speed cameras are then allocated a location where they will best reduce the risk of crashes.

Speed camera deployment is an important part of the road safety strategy, as speed remains a significant contributing causal factor in road crashes with higher speeds resulting in an increased chance of a crash and increased road trauma at a crash.

Murray Road, Port Noarlunga has had 12 crashes and one vehicle was recorded by speed cameras travelling at 102 km/h; this is 42 km/h in excess of the 60 km/h speed limit. There have been two complaints by local residents regarding speeding vehicles on Murray Road.

Swanport Road, Murray Bridge has had 20 crashes and one vehicle was recorded by speed cameras travelling at 106 km/h; this is 46 km/h in excess of the 60 km/h speed limit.

Barton Terrace West, North Adelaide has had 6 crashes and two vehicles were recorded by speed cameras travelling at 91 and 97 km/h this is 41 and 47 km/h in excess of the 50 km/h speed limit.