Evans, Hon A.L., Resignation

03 Jul 2008 archivespeech

This speech is to congratulate Andrew Evans on his retirement and wish him and his family very well.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (17:16): I also rise to congratulate Andrew on his retirement and I wish him and his family very well. A lot of comments have already been made about his demeanour—his kindness and gentleness—and I would like to reiterate that. He has always been a perfect gentleman and, while we have not always agreed on certain issues, I think it is a tribute to the diversity of this parliament that we have a wide range of views and that we can try to work things through together for the benefit of all South Australians. I am sure he is also pleased that, at this late hour in his term, I am finally being made an honest woman, and I hope to enjoy family life myself. I truly wish you, your wife, children and grandchildren all the very best for a long and healthy retirement.