Speed Cameras

23 Nov 2006 questionsarchive

A question put forward to the Hon. P. HOLLOWAY regarding speed cameras.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: Can the Minister advise:

1. How many times speed cameras have operated;

2. The total value of expiation fees; and

3. How many serious and fatal accidents have occurred; for the

following locations—North East Road, Valley View; North East

Road, Holden Hill; North East Road, Modbury; Lower North East

Road, Highbury; Lower North East Road, Dernancourt; Lower North

East Road, Hope Valley; The Golden Way, Golden Grove; The

GoldenWay, Greenwith; The GoldenWay, Modbury Heights; The

GoldenWay,Wynn Vale; Target Hill Road, Greenwith; Target Hill

Road, Salisbury Heights; Grenfell Road, Banksia Park; Grenfell

Road, Fairview Heights; Grenfell Road, Modbury Heights; Grenfell

Road, Redwood Park; Grenfell Road, Surrey Downs; Grenfell Road,

Wynn Vale; Golden Grove Road, Golden Grove; Golden Grove

Road, Surrey Downs; Golden Grove Road, Greenwith; Golden

Grove Road, Ridgehaven; Golden Grove Road, Modbury North; for

the years:

(a) 2002;

(b) 2003; and

(c) 2004?

The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: The Minister for Police has provided the following information:


1. Data from the South Australia Police Traffic Intelligence Section's Traffic Online System indicates that speed camera deployment for the requested years is:


LOCATION                                         2002        2003        2004

North East Road, Valley View                 6              15            1

North East Road, Holden Hill                  9              8              8

North East Road, Modbury                      8              1              0

Lower North East Road, Highbury           3              2              3

Lower North East Road, Dernancourt      27            13            7

Lower North East Road, Hope Valley       0              0              0

The Golden Way, Golden Grove              0              0              0

The Golden Way, Greenwith                    0              0              0

The Golden Way, Modbury Heights          0              0              0

The Golden Way, Wynn Vale                  0              0              0

Target Hill Road, Greenwith                     1              1              1

Target Hill Road, Salisbury Heights          0              0              0

Grenfell Road, Banksia Park                    5              2              1

Grenfell Road, Fairview Heights              N/R          N/R          N/R

Grenfell Road, Modbury Heights             1              0              11            9

Grenfell Road, Redwood Park                  4              0              1

Grenfell Road, Surrey Downs                  19            13            10

Grenfell Road, Wynn Vale                       0              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Golden Grove         1              3              1

Golden Grove Road, Surrey Downs         2              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Greenwith               0              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Ridgehaven             0              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Modbury North        0              0              0


2. Expiation fees issued for speeding offences detected by speed cameras for the requested years are:

LOCATION                                             2002        2003        2004

                                                             ($)           ($)           ($)

North East Road, Valley View                 27,962     32,421     2,289

North East Road, Holden Hill                   22,047     11,535     4,885

North East Road, Modbury                      86,806     21,329     2,718

Lower North East Road, Highbury           6,084       6,061       10,183

Lower North east Road, Dernancourt       88,747     72,115     25,575

Lower North East Road, Hope Valley         0              0              0

The Golden Way, Golden Grove               0              0              0

The Golden Way, Greenwith                    0              0              0

The Golden Way, Modbury Heights           0              0              0

The Golden Way, Wynn Vale                   0              0              154

Target Hill Road, Greenwith                     0              0              0

Target Hill Road, Salisbury Heights         12,685     3,373       1,246

Grenfell Road, Banksia Park                    0              1,882       33,232

Grenfell Road, Fairview Heights              N/R          N/R          N/R

Grenfell Road, Modbury Heights             0              0              0

Grenfell Road, Redwood Park                  4,398       0              308

Grenfell Road, Surrey Downs                  53,968     57,328     17,594

Grenfell Road, Wynn Vale                       0              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Golden Grove          0              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Surrey Downs         22,892     0              0

Golden Grove Road, Greenwith               0              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Ridgehaven             0              0              0

Golden Grove Road, Modbury North         4,054       0              0

TOTAL                                                    329,623   206,044   98,184

* Includes levy to the Victims of Crime Fund

3. Serious and fatal accidents for these locations for the requested years are:

There were no fatal crashes recorded at the given locations.


Casualty crashes are:

LOCATION                                         2002        2003        2004

North East Road, Valley View                 0              1              2

North East Road, Holden Hill                  0              4              1

North East Road, Modbury                      0              0              1

Lower North East Road, Highbury           0              3              4

Lower North East Road, Dernancourt      0              1              6

Lower North East Road, Hope Valley       0              2              1

The Golden Way, Golden Grove              1              0              1

The Golden Way, Greenwith                    0              0              1

The Golden Way, Modbury Heights          0              1              0

The Golden Way, Wynn Vale                   2              8              1

Target Hill Road, Greenwith                     1              1              2

Target Hill Road, Salisbury Heights          0              1              3

Grenfell Road, Banksia Park                    0              2              4

Grenfell Road, Fairview Heights              N/R          N/R          N/R

Grenfell Road, Modbury Heights             0              1              1

Grenfell Road, Redwood Park                 0              2              4

Grenfell Road, Surrey Downs                  0              5              0

Grenfell Road, Wynn Vale                       0              1              5

Golden Grove Road, Golden Grove          0              3              2

Golden Grove Road, Surrey Downs         0              2              3

Golden Grove Road, Greenwith               0              1              1

Golden Grove Road, Ridgehaven             0              4              8

Golden Grove Road, Modbury North        1              4              0

NOTE: The suburb of Fairview Heights is not recorded as a location. The Tea Tree Gully Council has been contacted and advises that (*rest of paragraph is cut off*)