History Trust

30 Jun 2004 questionsarchive

I seek leave to make an explanation before asking the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, representing the Minister for Environment and Conservation, a question about the History Trust.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: In the 22nd annual report of the History Trust of South Australia for the year ended 30 June 2003, comment is made in relation to maintaining heritage buildings that are under the responsibility of the heritage trust. The report states:

Some of the trust’s OHS&W issues arise from long-term maintenance problems with the suite of heritage buildings housing our museums. Building audits have now been completed for each of the three museum sites and they reveal a long list of structural issues, some of which are now extremely urgent. For some years the trust’s budget allocation in this area has been woefully inadequate, with insufficient funds to undertake even routine maintenance, let alone the more extensive conservation work now required at several sites.

My questions are:

1. Does the minister agree with the assessment that the budget allocation is woefully inadequate?

2. Is the minister concerned about these issues, and what is the minister doing to rectify these problems?

The Hon. T.G. ROBERTS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation): I will refer those important questions to the minister in another place and bring back a reply.

Thursday 14 April 2005

In reply to Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (30 June 2004).

The Hon. T.G. ROBERTS: The Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts has been advised that:

1. The budget allocation by Arts SA for building maintenance to the History Trust of SA was substantially reduced under the then Liberal Government in 1999.

2. The 2003-04 supplementary funds for $95,000 over and above the set allocation of $170,000 was provided, and again in 2004-05 Arts SA has budgeted additional supplementary funds of $130,000. This is a 13% increase in building maintenance funding from 2003-04 to 2004-05.