Education Adelaide

02 Jun 2004 questionsarchive

A question put forward to the Hon. T.G. ROBERTS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) regarding Education Adelaide.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: Last week in this place I asked a series of questions based on the 2002-03 annual report of Education Adelaide. Because the 2001-02 report provided to Bills and Papers was missing several financial pages, I had additional questions that I was unable to ask.

Education Adelaide’s auditors have since been kind enough to provide those to my office. From the financials for the three years 2001, 2002 and 2003, the report states that the total operating expenses for Education Adelaide have come to $6.9 million over three years; the cost of overseas office expenditure to over $3 million; total expenses on marketing, promotion and advertising to over $1.6 million; and total travelling expenses to $900 000. My questions are:

1. Did the minister sign off on either the 2001-02 or the 2002-03 reports which were tabled on 4 May 2004 and 4 December 2002 respectively?

2. Was the minister aware that the 2001-02 report was missing several pages from the financial reports?

3. Does the minister consider that Education Adelaide provides a good return for investment and, if so, how is this determined?

4. Given the significant expenditure on marketing and travel, what measures does Education Adelaide have in place to ensure that these funds are expended in an appropriate manner?

5. As an organisation that exists for the purpose of trade and education, does Education Adelaide have protocols with DTED’s remaining overseas offices?

6. Why are the statistics referred to as item nine in the 2002-03 report at least 18 months out of date?

The Hon. T.G. ROBERTS (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation): I will take all those important questions that the honourable member has asked and refer them to my colleague in another place and bring back a reply.

Monday 4 April 2005

Education Adelaide

In reply to Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (2 June 2004).

The Hon. T.G. ROBERTS: The Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education has advised that:

1. The 2001-02 annual report was tabled on 4 December 2002 and the 2002-03 report on 4 May 2004.

Both annual reports were signed off by the Chairperson of Education Adelaide and its chief executive as required by the Public Corporations (Education Adelaide) Regulations 1998.

2. A complete version of the financial report for the 2001-02 year is available. Unfortunately, the initial publication run of the annual report for that year omitted a few pages of the financial statement due to a copying error. The financial statement contained in the 2002-03 annual report is a complete document.

3. As our education export industry has been growing at a steady rate since Education Adelaide was formed in 1998, and increased by more than double the national average last year, Education Adelaide should be regarded as paying its way. The Economic Development Board has developed its blueprint for our state’s growth over the next decade, pointed to the crucial role Education Adelaide can play into further developing the export market. Education Adelaide will play a significant role in supporting the education industry in doubling South Australia’s share of the international student market over the next decade. This reflects the important part education has in fulfilling the requirements of the state’s Strategic Plan.

4. Education Adelaide is guided by a board comprising representatives from the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Economic Development, Department of Education and Children’s Services, South Australian Tourism Commission, the Lord Mayor and the three universities. The board has formed an audit subcommittee to ensure that spending is in line with the key performance targets.

5. Education Adelaide is primarily a non commercial marketing organisation. Its role is to promote Adelaide as a study destination in overseas markets. Education Adelaide has links with our state’s overseas trade offices, as well as Astride, Australian Education International and our embassies. Education Adelaide seeks their advice and assistance with marketing activities where appropriate.

There is no formal protocol involved in this arrangement.

6. The time lag is due to a delay with Australian Education International’s collection of this data. Australian Education International published no statistics between 2002 and early 2004.

This has since been rectified and Education Adelaide has greatly enhanced its own system for counting international students enrolled on our institutions.