Tobacco Products Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill

13 Mar 2012 archivespeech

This is a brief speech regarding the Tobacco Products Regulation (Further Restrictions) Amendment Bill.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: I move:

Page 3, line 16 [clause 4, inserted section 50(1)]—After 'equipment' insert: during any period prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section.

What this amendment does is provide some narrowing of the scope of the bill in relation to playground equipment. We have no problem, in principle, with banning smoking within 10 metres of any prescribed children's playground. However, the example was given that, if somebody is walking past playground equipment at 10 o'clock at night, we do not see why the law should apply there. This amendment adds, after the word 'equipment' in subclause (1), the words 'during any period prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section', so that the government is able to prescribe those conditions. We think that would allow some flexibility in the application of the law.