Road Safety

06 Dec 2006 questionsarchive

A question put forward to the Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO in relation to road safety.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: Can the minister advise whether the issue of the lack of correlation between placement of speed cameras and actual road accidents was raised at all during the forum?

The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO: Many issues were raised in the forum; indeed, that is the idea of having a forum. I attended for almost all of the day and a half and I heard all the speakers. I thought it would be inappropriate for me as the minister to sit in on the workshops, but I have asked the department to prepare for me a preliminary list of the issues that were raised whilst I was not present, and, of course, those issues will be progressed to the Road Safety Advisory Council, which will meet in February.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: Will the minister provide for the parliament a copy of all the issues raised?

The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO: I have not yet received that information, but, certainly, those issues will be fed into the Road Safety Advisory Council, and I will take advice on

whether Sir Eric Neal wants that information to be publicly circulated. The council, which is a high level council, does not have any ministerial representation; it has government representation and private members representation.

The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink interjecting:

The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO: In the past five years since this government has been in power, I think we have done more for road safety than any other previous government. In particular, we have seen a raft of government legislation passed by the parliament, as well as many other initiatives—and we will continue with those initiatives. We know what has to be done, and we are working towards that end. We also know that, in relation to road safety, many other things can be done and we will work towards doing everything we possibly can.