Cook, Mr D.J.

23 Nov 2006 questionsarchive

A question put forward to the Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO regarding the death in custody of Damien John Cook.

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK: As at 30 June 2006, how many people had formally registered concerns relating to the welfare of an inmate (as per recommendation 8 of the report prepared by the Department of Correctional Services on the Death in Custody of Damien John Cook)?

The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO: I am advised that:

In accordance with recommendation 8, part one, the Department for Correctional Services has implemented the use of Information Pamphlets that are placed in the entrance of the Adelaide Remand Centre for visitors to access. The Information Pamphlet outlines what to do if they have concerns about a prisoner's welfare and safety, particularly in relation to the possibility of self-harm and enables a visitor or other person concerned to formally register their concerns.

The Information Pamphlets have been in use at the Adelaide Remand Centre since February 2006.

A formal process has been put into place to ensure that in the event that a visitor or other person raises concern about a prisoner, the information is recorded in a Journal and immediately brought to the attention of the relevant Manager. It is actioned by the Unit Manager or Officer in Charge of the Centre after hours, who must immediately take the appropriate action to ensure the wellbeing of the prisoner is not compromised. This action may include notification to Prison Medical and the High Risk Assessment Team.

As at 30 June 2006, no members of the public had raised formal concerns.